Mind-Body workshops

Monthly workshops and meditation sessions to help you reconnect with your body and self deeper than ever before.


Learn to Say No Confidently - through a body-based aprpoach

A workshop exploring people-pleasing tendencies and mind-body tools to tap into your power

Do you often struggle to say no to things and prioritise what you want?

Do you find it hard to speak up and express yourself?

Here's an interactive workshop to help you understand people-pleasing through a mind-body lens and shift out of them confidently.

You'll gain tools and insights to ask for what you want and experience more freedom in self.

Sign up HERE

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March Meditation x Gathering

March Meditation x Gathering

Drop-in to our monthly meditations to learn and practice mindfulness in a group setting. We’ll focus on self-acceptance and compassion in this session. You’ll also get a chance to share and ask your questions.

Times are in (CET) Central European time, please convert to your timezones.

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